The Look of Scout
Kansas City has extended its reach to become the third largest city in the nation
in land area. The ribbons of pavement that connect the area's far-flung destinations
have been stretched to their capacity and beyond.
How do we meet this increasing demand for travel? Adding concrete is impossible
in many parts of the metro area, where homes and businesses sit shoulder-to-shoulder
with the interstate. Expanding highways in some areas involves large-scale displacements
and prohibitive construction costs.
The Solution
A new technological toolbox that addresses transportation needs in a different
way... Kansas City Scout.

What is Kansas City Scout?
Enter the Kansas City Scout traffic management system.
Like the original icon for which it's named, Scout will act as a lookout for Kansas
City area travelers.
With the help of high-resolution video cameras and roadway sensors, Scout will be
able to monitor traffic conditions, send help to clear congestion, and provide traffic
updates to travelers more quickly and in more ways than ever before.
How Scout Works
Scout's traffic management staff will use information from its cameras and sensors
to launch a comprehensive response plan tailored to each traffic situation.
This response might include:
- Dispatching Motorist Assist services
- Notifying and coordinating with emergency services
- Creating electronic sign messages along affected routes
- Sending updated information to local media and Highway Advisory Radio
- Broadcasting traffic updates over the Internet
How Scout Can Help
Without adding another inch of pavement, Scout will enable Kansas City area drivers
to enjoy:
- less highway congestion
- fewer rush-hour accidents
- improved rush-hour speeds
- quicker emergency response times
- less air pollution from slow or idling traffic